Binging on Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

My husband and I are in hibernation mode over here! It’s too cold, there’s snow almost every week and while waiting for spring to arrive, we are binging on Breaking Bad. What an awesome show, interesting plot, great cast of characters and my hometown ABQ! I love seeing Albuquerque getting some air time and its fun seeing places I know, like the car wash Walt works at in season 1, we use to go there when I was little.

We are halfway through season 3 already. I’m sure we will be done by the end of the month and hopefully by then it won’t be so dang cold out anymore!

Girl Shows

Happy New Year!

I’m not sure what it is, but I seem to have a slight obsession with TV shows that have ‘girl’ in the title. I’m not normally a big TV watcher, but occasionally I’ll get hooked on a show. First it was Gilmore Girls. I lived with roommates, just got a Netflix account and was trying to ‘beat the man’ by getting my monthly money’s worth of renting. I never really watched the show when it was on the air, but I was hooked the first episode. The fast talking, funny real life references were great, although I wasn’t such a fan of the way the show ended.


Then I discovered New Girl. This show is so hilarious!A refreshing comedy that stands out from all the crap on regular cable TV.


Then there was Girls. I spent a weekend with my friend Kate who has HBO on demand, we watched 1 episode and then went on to watch the whole season before the weekend was over. The first season was only 10 episodes, but I don’t know what I’m going to do when the second season starts up again soon. I might just have to wait till the season is over and do another marathon episode weekend.


And lastly, there was Gossip Girl. I somehow caught the first episode on a random lazy Sunday afternoon and 3 episodes later I was DVRing every episode I could find. This really wasn’t a quality show, but it was like the train wreck that I just had to keep watching. I even watched seasons out of order and then found out Netflix had the seasons streaming online. I’m glad the show ended this year (I thought GG was Dorota). Needless to say, I wasted days of my life on a crap TV show, but I did take away some fashion tips and spots to check out in NYC.

Gossip Girl

2013 will be a year with less TV in my life, unless of course there is a good show out there with ‘girl’ in the title.

TV Hiatus

I’d like to say I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been on some kind of technology break rediscovering my self, spending time outdoors, but that’s not the case. I’ve been camping on my couch glued to the TV. First it was the Tour de France and then the Olympics. Sure I’ve been running after work, still making some tasty meals, but once the dishes are washed, it was front and center (DVR can be both good and bad).

The Tour was good this year, a bit unexciting in that Chris Froome should have been the overall winner as he was clearly stronger than his teammate Bradley Wiggins. The mountain stages are always fun to watch though.


And then there was the Olympics. We watched the games EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! From the Opening Ceremony to the Spice Girl Reunion. All the swimming, gymnastics and track and field. Add in some archery, table tennis and handball and its the perfect recipe to have Dave and I slightly obsessed with all things Olympic.


Dave and I would love to go to both the Tour and the Olympics at some point in our lifetime, both would be such an experience. One day…

Well, at least I have my life back!


“If you could be a contestant on any game show, which would you like to be on?”

This question is a no brainer, I would love to be on THE PRICE IS RIGHT!


I’ve been watching The Price is Right since as long as I can remember. In fact this show served as my babysitter during most of my adolescent summers. Of course, the show is not as great with Drew Carey as the host, but its hard to follow in the footsteps of a game show legend like Bob Barker. In fact, I haven’t watched but a few times with Drew as the new host what can I say, I’m old school (or have a problem dealing with change).

I think it would be awesome just to be in the audience, but I have thought many a times about my glory in the sun. If I was called on down to be the next contestant on The Price is Right (and yes, I would be that person that goes bananas and high fives/hugs everyone on the way down!), I would hope to play 1 of 3 of the favorite games. First, Plinko, enough said, awesome game. The second would be The Golden Road (I watched the show when the guy won the RV playing this game, won over $100k, it was amazing!). Both those games are not usually played (I’m a realist with a backup), so my third would be the Cliff Hangers game. I enjoy the little climber dude and the yodeling.

I’m such a fan (nerd) of The Price is Right, that I purchased this awesome daily flip calendar.

(Life is very random, I just happened to purchase this calendar today (I was waiting till it was 75%) and then I randomly pick this question out of my book, weird!)

And she was…

Hello, world! I’ve missed being on my blog, but finally, I’m back in the game. My hope is to update more frequently, continue my random top five lists (although facebook is trying a to over do it and make the top five so not cool), and to just enjoy my self and be creative with my writing. Sometimes this crazy technology world can be a drag, take over ones life and make them want to run away to the country and never have to deal with technology again. In a nutshell, I’m trying to say that I was enjoying the internet a little too much and not enjoying life as much, so I needed a bit of a break from my technology commitments. Which is also why I’m no longer partaking in my “Project 365”, I lost my inspiration and it wasn’t fun. It ended up being like a chore that I hated doing everyday (like making my bed). I still enjoy photography, but I want a chance to focus on stuff that inspires me and its really hard to be inspired everyday. Maybe I’ll start the project again, but I think I may commit to maybe a weekly photo and then try a daily photo again. It’s all about baby steps!

So what’s been going on? Well, I just came back from a long weekend in DE. Dave and I kept busy, him on his porch and me with the garden. We finished up both the front and back gardens and they look awesome! And the porch looks aweesome too! I’ll be posting some pictures on flickr soon. We also ran and went on a little hike in MD, it was a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. 

Just when I thought I would have no weddings to go to this year, it looks like my calendar is already being filled with 5 potential weddings this year. Dave has 2 friends getting married, my cousin is getting married this summer and my sister and old roomie will both maybe be getting married in late fall/winter. I’m looking forward to them all, should be fun. Throw in some concerts, a beer festival, a couple trips to the beach, maybe some other random travel, training for a marathon, running a marathon, and you got one crazy year!

I’m trying to keep up with my reading, I have a ton of books that I would love to read, especially some Lost inspired books. By the way, Lost is the greatest show ever! Catch up this summer/fall people and you’ll be ready for the final season which will begin Jan 2010! I’m still loving the Gilmore Girls, netflix will be sending me the beginning of season 5 soon. 

Ok, well I have pictures to upload, expenses to track and other important things to work on. Enjoy the last few days of May, June is right around the corner!

Election Night

I’ve been glued to the TV watching the results of the election, my head just might explode with all the information overload. Its great to see the excitement of our national election taking place, I think our founding fathers would be proud that the system they created is still in place.

Back to sipping my beer and watching the excitement, seems like they have pretty much called the election!