Wanted: TIME

I’m looking for more time in the day and I’m willing to pay the going rate. Also willing to join any kind of movement to lobby the government to change the standard day to 25 hours. 7 extra hours in the week, 365 in total for the year would be awesome!

I think it’s just this week or maybe it will be for the next 80 days, but there is just not enough time. I wake up, I work, I come home, time flies as I try and squeeze in the gym, Daisy walk (and to her dismay, not everyday do I even have time), dinner, stuff on my to do list and then it happens all over again.

Somehow I know everything for the wedding will get done, I will not always be thinking of work, emails will get responded too, Daisy will get her walk and I can enjoy a few mintues of sanity. But it sure would be nice to have a little more time in my day.

It’s only Tuesday :-(

Time is such a weird thing, sometimes it seems to fly by and sometimes it seems to stand still. So many exciting and wonderful things are to come and time seems to be standing still.

The good thing about Tuesday is that I get to watch LOST – what am I going to do without this show to rattle my brain?

The snow is melting! Oh and it’s suppose to snow again starting tomorrow, FUN!

Enjoy your Tuesday!


I can’t believe its September!

Wow, where has this year gone? It’s September already, crazy! They’re starting to put out Christmas decorations in stores, WTF! I love the fall, but it always seems to fly by with all the upcoming holidays. One minute you are cursing CVS for putting out Halloween candy during Labor Day and then next thing you know, you are counting down the final seconds of the year. I’ve already begun enjoying the seasonal beers that recently hit the shelves because in October when you want some Oktoberfest beer, the Winter Ale will already have taken its place. In the coming weeks I’m hoping to find my inner Martha Stewart and enjoy all fall has to offer. That’s right, I’m going to learn how to do something with squash, apples, make a hearty stew and go pumpkin crazy. I freakin’ love pumpkin! Pumpkin ale, cookies, bread, pie, I just learned from my roomie, one can even make a pumpkin dip. I was never a big fan of pumpkin before, except for my mom’s pumpkin cookies, but maybe as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate this time of year when everything is made with pumpkin and I’ve expanded my horizons. I think there was a little rebellion that went with pumpkin too, because my mom loved pumpkin pie so much (would have a slice for breakfast or dinner), I was rebelling from anything pumpkin just because (except her cookies!), so finally I’ve grown up to see what I’ve been missing out on.

I’m off to New Mexico tomorrow to meet up with my Mom and Jim and visit with my family, spending most of the time in Las Vegas, NM. I was doing some research on places to run in Las Vegas and learned a great deal about a town I thought was only good for its Super Walmart and Sonic. I mean I’ve been going there all my life, no need to play tourist to the sights this cow town has to offer. They filmed most of the scenes from No Country for Old Men there as well as some other movies like Wyatt Earp (which I did see when I was younger, have pictures of Kevin Costner on set), All the Pretty Horses, and Red Dawn. They have over 900 historic structures and has its place in the history books as part of the Wild Wild West back in the day. There was even an article in the NY Times travel section last year. I enjoyed some of my best childhood memories at my grandmas house, so I’m hoping to capture some of the scenes from around town to share with you, because honestly, you will likely never make it Las Vegas unless you get stuck in a snow storm along I-25.

Enjoy the weekend!