And she was…

Hello, world! I’ve missed being on my blog, but finally, I’m back in the game. My hope is to update more frequently, continue my random top five lists (although facebook is trying a to over do it and make the top five so not cool), and to just enjoy my self and be creative with my writing. Sometimes this crazy technology world can be a drag, take over ones life and make them want to run away to the country and never have to deal with technology again. In a nutshell, I’m trying to say that I was enjoying the internet a little too much and not enjoying life as much, so I needed a bit of a break from my technology commitments. Which is also why I’m no longer partaking in my “Project 365”, I lost my inspiration and it wasn’t fun. It ended up being like a chore that I hated doing everyday (like making my bed). I still enjoy photography, but I want a chance to focus on stuff that inspires me and its really hard to be inspired everyday. Maybe I’ll start the project again, but I think I may commit to maybe a weekly photo and then try a daily photo again. It’s all about baby steps!

So what’s been going on? Well, I just came back from a long weekend in DE. Dave and I kept busy, him on his porch and me with the garden. We finished up both the front and back gardens and they look awesome! And the porch looks aweesome too! I’ll be posting some pictures on flickr soon. We also ran and went on a little hike in MD, it was a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. 

Just when I thought I would have no weddings to go to this year, it looks like my calendar is already being filled with 5 potential weddings this year. Dave has 2 friends getting married, my cousin is getting married this summer and my sister and old roomie will both maybe be getting married in late fall/winter. I’m looking forward to them all, should be fun. Throw in some concerts, a beer festival, a couple trips to the beach, maybe some other random travel, training for a marathon, running a marathon, and you got one crazy year!

I’m trying to keep up with my reading, I have a ton of books that I would love to read, especially some Lost inspired books. By the way, Lost is the greatest show ever! Catch up this summer/fall people and you’ll be ready for the final season which will begin Jan 2010! I’m still loving the Gilmore Girls, netflix will be sending me the beginning of season 5 soon. 

Ok, well I have pictures to upload, expenses to track and other important things to work on. Enjoy the last few days of May, June is right around the corner!

I’m alive!

I was MIA, but I’m back now.

After the craziness of the inauguration, I left Wednesday night to Dave’s as Thursday morning (Happy Birthday Dave!) we were on our way to Vegas for the weekend! It was super awesome, got to see my cousin Jessica and meet up with Dave’s siblings and other peeps that made it out for the celebration weekend. Vegas was Vegas, I think that explains it all. Vegas definitely won! I was doing fine out there even though I had a cold up until Saturday, I wasn’t feeling too hot, maybe the hangover I had didn’t help too much either and I had a coughing attack that night for a couple hours, it was bad. Sunday I was ready to leave and then once I finally made it back home, I spent the week being sick. I’m done being sick, I had enough this past Sunday after feeling exhausted just blow drying my hair and a little blue. I have a change of attitude starting today, hoping this coughing gets the hint to pack up and leave. It was great to see my old roomies TWICE this past weekend, I do miss their company! Oh and to add to all of that, I’m temporarily homeless as work began on our new bathroom this morning (hence the new attitude, won’t have the opp to be sick and mopey). Thankfully my roomie has a friend with a boyfriend that is letting us invade his apartment, as he is away at training for a month. They already ripped everything out of the bathroom already in one day, so although they were saying it could take up to 2 weeks, I think it may be more like a week. I’m still doing Project 365  (daily photo) and will hopefully be able to update as I’m very behind in uploading all my photos to my flickr. 

Alright, that’s a quick update, hope all is well!

Project 365

Happy New Year!

So after stalking a couple blogs this past year that were partaking in this idea, Project 365, I decided to be a complete poser and begin the new year doing my own Project 365. Basically, you take a photo a day and post it online. I thought this would be a great way to learn how to take better photos and see how a year goes by through my camera lens.

So far, I’m a total amateur! I’ve also been waiting till the final hour of the day to take a picture, so I’m not giving myself a lot to work with, but hopefully I’ll improve. 

Check it out for yourself.

(I finally got my flickr feed up and running. I hope to post some older photos soon. And yes, it was super easy to do, I’m just a dummy.)